Ridley Scott est producteur. Le budget devrait être assez mince. Ce qui n'est pas une mauvaise chose.
Je suis content de voir quelqu'un de motivé reprendre la franchise, après c'est dommage que ce soit seulement pour une sortie streaming. Mais il est vrai que l'accumulation de projets autour de cette franchise commence à me souler si c'est pour finir comme les autres franchises.
According to sources, Álvarez is a rabid fan of the franchise and casually pitched a take to Scott many years ago. The idea remained implanted in Scott’s brain until late last year, when he called Álvarez out of the blue and asked him if he was still up for it. Álvarez didn’t have to be asked twice.
20th Century picked up the project “purely off the strength of Fede’s pitch,” said division president Steve Asbell. “It was just a really good story with a bunch of characters you haven’t seen before.”
Asbell, who recently spoke to THR about the future of 20th Century Studios, said by doing the project for Hulu, there wouldn’t be the pressure to whittle down the potential edginess that could come with theatrical considerations. “It’s not a film that has to be all things to all people with those gargantuan budgets. They get to be authentically what they are. And this is closer to its genre roots.”